State of preservation: |
Only the tower of the Teutonic castle has preserved | 
Admission: |
Entrance to the tower is paid |
Parking: |
A small parking lot by the castle is free of charge |
Searching difficulty: |
The castle stands by the main road |
Access difficulty: |
From the parking lot you walk down the sidewalk |
Subjective rating: |
The building of an average appearance |
Driving directions:Człuchów is a large town of the Pomeranian Province so there should be no troubles with its finding. After entering the town you need to find and follow the road no 25 in the direction of Bydgoszcz. Then in the town center, on the left side of the road, on the hill opposite the lake you will spot the castle tower.
Historical outline:The former name: Schlochau
Człuchów was one of the strongest Teutonic strongholds. The construction of the castle was started in 1325 and was finished in 1365, however already in 1332 the first commander - Günter von Snoze held office in there. After less than 100 years since completion of building the castle became the Polish property and since 1454 until 1772 was the seat of starosty.
In time of Swedish Wars the structure was partially destroyed, and disassemblies, which took place in 1786 and 1792, sealed its fate. Then a brick, of which the castle was built, was assigned for a rebuilding of the town, which was destroyed by fires. Only an existing up to this day tower opposed these effects.
The building, which is located currently by the tower is an Evangelical temple built in the years of 1826-1828, which after the World War II became the residence of cultural institutions.
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