State of preservation: |
The construction has preserved almost in its entirety but it is heavily demolished | 
Admission: |
The entrance to the castle is tightly walled in, you can only walk around it |
Parking: |
There is no parking lot nearby |
Searching difficulty: |
Finding the castle is very easy |
Access difficulty: |
The access to the monument does not demand any effort |
Subjective rating: |
The construction of an average beauty |
Driving directions:Driving from Kłodzko down the road no 33 for Boboszów in Mielnik you have to turn right to Gorzanów. There it is enough to keep the main road in order to spot the castle on the hilltop on the left side.
Historical outline:Former name: Grafenort
The first stronghold in Gorzanów came into being before 1341 when the place was in hands of von Ratschin. Unfortunately not much is known on its subject. The castle was ruined in time of the Hussite wars, and the subsequent military operations from 1470 led the building to ruin. Its remnants were dismantled in 1805 and the gardens of the present castle, which is located south of the old one, were created at this site.
The construction of currently existing castle was undertaken in 1573. In the years of 1653-1657 Johann Friedrich von Herberstein rebuilt the stronghold. The latter transformation took place in 1735. The castle was devastated during the World War II but after the war the attempts at its renovation were made. Unfortunately to no avail.
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