State of preservation: |
A renovated castle has preserved in its entirety | 
Admission: |
The entrance to the castle area is limited since it houses a hotel |
Parking: |
There is a free parking lot by the castle |
Searching difficulty: |
The monument stands by the main road so there is no trouble with finding it |
Access difficulty: |
The access does not require any effort |
Subjective rating: |
A nice castle |
Driving directions:Driving from Sławno down the road no 205 towards Bobolice, after covering 20 km you drive through Krąg. There you need to follow the main road as to spot the castle on the right side.
Historical outline:A former name: Krangen
The castle in Krąg for the first time appears in the historical records in 1495. It was built at the end of the XVth cent. by the knight Adam Podewils. The castle then was only a residential tower surrounded with a moat. However already in the 80’s of the XVIth cent. the tower was dismantled and at the place of its basement a new renaissance mansion was erected. The next reconstructions in the XVIIth and the XIXth cent. brought the castle closer to the today appearance. In 1945 the monument burnt down and its rebuilding was begun in the years of 1958-1960. The continuation of preservative works was performed in the 70’s of the XXth cent. At present the castle houses a hotel.
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