State of preservation: |
The ruins have preserved of the castle | 
Admission: |
The entrance to the castle is scandalously expensive. Price is completely not compatible with what the castle has to offer. |
Parking: |
There is no parking lot nearby the castle |
Searching difficulty: |
Signposts lead to the castle so it is very easy to find it |
Access difficulty: |
You walk down a straight, wide road all the way long to the monument. Nonetheless, last 50 m is an abrupt climb to the Hojna Mountain. |
Subjective rating: |
If it had not been for the "reconstruction" with use of concrete, it would have been 4 or even 5 stars |
Driving directions:Driving from Dzierżoniów down the road no 383 towards Jedlina Zdrój in Jugowice you have to turn right to Świdnica (a road with no number). Subsequently go straight ahead as far as Zagórze Śląskie where you must drive all the way long down the main road till you notice information banner, leading to the castle, on the right side. From there on you have to follow a trail to the ruins.
Historical outline:Former name: Kynau, Kynsburg castle
The beginnings of the castle in Zagórze Śląskie are not entirely learnt. The building of the stronghold is ascribed to duke Bolko I, however there is a lack of any evidence for corroborating this theory. At the end of the XIVth cent. the castle became the property of Czech kings, and then the consecutive knightly houses. Those last ones were engaged in banditry in time of fifteenth-century Hussite wars. Over a span of next centuries the castle was reconstructed and adjusted to the then defensive requirements many times. It did not, however, preserve it from the destructions made by the Swedes during Thirty Years’ War. Since then the castle started to decay until it was deserted by last owners – von Zedlitz.
After a few dozen years’ break the stronghold gained a new owner, a parson J. G. Busching, who in 1824 came down to secure the structure. His undertakings and the following construction works from the XIXth cent. rescued the castle, however it was transformed inconsistently with a historical shape. The next works took place after World War II. Since that moment the stronghold gained the name – Grodno Castle.
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
Zagórze Śląskie
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